Sunday, January 20, 2013

And all I feel is like I'm banging my head against the wall

Everything falls slowly so that I can feel it in every instance
of my being.

And my head hurts only because there's nothing to

I'm not going to lie, I still love him, but he's already got a passion,
and who am I to destroy it?


  1. I like the simplicity of your blog, and this post in particular stood out to me.
    I like when a person can say a lot in few words, and you most certainly do. I, on the other hand, tend to be long-winded and still feel I haven't said anything at all.

    1. Thank you so much!
      I've read much of your blog and you say great things. I like how it's descriptive and just flows. You can tell that you take time with your words and thoughts, and it just pieces together very effortlessly. Thank you again though, I really appreciate it!

  2. You're welcome. I noticed your comment too and clicked on your name to investigate more into who you are. Immediately I felt drawn to the colors on your blog, the winter branches on the side and the white text against maroon canvas. That's purely aesthetic, but something I like as well so I figured you might have similar interests as me. It's rare to come across people who write so openly, and I like a lot the way you also choose your words carefully and you keep it short and to the point.

    I also have a feeling you're a student? Something about your photo makes me picture you as a young girl, still a teenager.

    1. Oh goodness, you made my whole day! And yes, still a student.

    2. :) I'm happy to hear that.
      Are you in college/university or high school?
      What are you studying?

    3. I'm in high school. Studying things I'm forced to learn! haha

    4. In college you'll have more choices and they are expensive so choose wisely! eh eh
