Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I like to tell myself that I can let go easily, but I always end up with my eyes closed and arms outstretched, hoping that in sometime and in someplace, someone would come back.
I am afraid to say goodbyes because in my gut, there's always a sense of doubt that I will be remembered.
I wish to be remembered, and I wish to talk to you and I believe in love and I just want to be happy in my future. I want to love people and to live freely doing things that give me joy.
I envision love and I envision nice weather and when I close my eyes I just want to be loved and to love and sometimes I think of you and sometimes I think of life and death or which way the wind is blowing
I just want to sit in a silence that is never moved and be in good company. That's all I really want. Good company.


  1. Good company. This is a nice thing indeed, a good start to build a lasting relation (whatever the relation), i knew people who lived only by the conflict, searching and poking to irritate the other and then feast on the created animosity, for some people it's like a way of communication, but it's so damaging (someone i knew lost three friends in one evening like that, and i say clearly lost, the confrontation was too much, and the others finally had enough after all those years [i'm not included in that story]).
    It's definitely possible to have different opinions and ways of life, and still communicate calmly and with high reciprocal respect (such relation won't be necesarily greatly satisfying because it's more enjoyable to share with someone who understands your directions, but still it's in that positive atmosphere that i personally want to live, if i can live in mutual respect even with the people who mainly follow a different path than mine, conscious people give that positivity, calmness, and respect i think).
    So having someone of good company, respectful and positive is an essential first point to be in a sane relation (whatever the relation).

    (Reading your post this morning reminded me of what i like when i'm with others too, it was pleasant and i wanted to share my opinion)

    Oh and also why don't you say directly to the person you think about that you think about him, instead of posting it on a random place like internet, eh, my motto is : nice things are better said clearly to the related persons, (but with consciousness, with the sense that your feelings and perceptions only belong to you, then you can listen and respect what the other has to reply)
